she kills monsters: virtual realms

The dragon was created by mixing animal sounds such as: gators, lions, tigers, and a walrus.
she kills monsters: virtual realms

This production called for a comic book asthetic. Aurally we takled this by creating a Tiamat that would instill fear and power through the audience's screen.

In the final battle is was important for the dragon to not only have an attack and deffence grow but also a cry when it was injured. We felt this necessary to create the imagery as if Agnes and the Tiamat were in the same room.
Directed: Dr. Victoria P. Lantz
Scenic Designer: Nicholas Graves
Costume Designer: Lexi Renfro
Prop Designer: Charly Topper
Lighting Designer: Eric Marsh
Photo Credits: Jay Salazar and Dr. Victoria P. Lantz

The dragon was created by mixing animal sounds such as: gators, lions, tigers, and a walrus.
she kills monsters: virtual realms

This production called for a comic book asthetic. Aurally we takled this by creating a Tiamat that would instill fear and power through the audience's screen.

In the final battle is was important for the dragon to not only have an attack and deffence grow but also a cry when it was injured. We felt this necessary to create the imagery as if Agnes and the Tiamat were in the same room.
Pride and prejudice

This contemporary adaptation infuses 21st century ideas, humor, and references. We strove to combine the 18th century morals and values with the 21st century rejections of those rules. We comically defied those expectations and aurally eased the visual shifts created by other areas of design.

Since Lizzy doesn’t know how to play the piano very well, I took Fur Elise, slowed the track down, cut it to the first 45 seconds, and looped it. This showcased her inability to play the song in completion as she repeated this sequence for 2-3 minutes.

We used music to reinforce the visual elements, it was important for me to match the visuals. This cue is a prime example of the director wanting a traditional dance, but also a moment of laughter.
Director: Dr. Victoria P. Lantz
Scenic Designer: Sky Jones
Costume Designer: Sky Jones
Props Designer: Lexi Renfro
Lighting Designer: Madeline Pool
Photo Credits: Lexi Renfro and Sky Jones